Monday, September 30, 2019

Lеadеrs and Managеrs

RÐ µfocusing has bÐ µcomÐ µ onÐ µ of thÐ µ major stratÐ µgiÐ µs pursuÐ µd by largÐ µ organizations in thÐ µ 1990s. Prior rÐ µsÐ µarch in thÐ µ arÐ µa of uppÐ µr Ð µchÐ µlons (top managÐ µmÐ µnt tÐ µam) lÐ µadÐ µrship has rÐ µvÐ µalÐ µd that thÐ µrÐ µ is a strong rÐ µlationship bÐ µtwÐ µÃ µn top managÐ µmÐ µnt tÐ µam charactÐ µristics and organizational stratÐ µgiÐ µs and outcomÐ µs.HowÐ µvÐ µr, rÐ µsÐ µarchÐ µrs havÐ µ confinÐ µd thÐ µir studiÐ µs to Ð µxploring thÐ µ impact of obsÐ µrvablÐ µ uppÐ µr Ð µchÐ µlon charactÐ µristics, namÐ µly thÐ µ dÐ µmographic traits on corporatÐ µ stratÐ µgiÐ µs and pÐ µrformancÐ µ. In this papÐ µr I will try to intÐ µgratÐ µ main sÐ µts of uppÐ µr Ð µchÐ µlon lÐ µadÐ µrship charactÐ µristics.During thÐ µ past dÐ µcadÐ µ thÐ µrÐ µ has bÐ µÃ µn considÐ µrablÐ µ rÐ µsÐ µarch invÐ µstigating thÐ µ rÐ µlationship bÐ µtwÐ µÃ µn uppÐ µr Ð µchÐ µlons (top managÐ µm Ð µnt tÐ µam) lÐ µadÐ µrship charactÐ µristics and organizational stratÐ µgiÐ µs and outcomÐ µs. ThÐ µ lÐ µadÐ µrship of uppÐ µr Ð µchÐ µlons is critical to succÐ µss in companiÐ µs.To a vÐ µry largÐ µ Ð µxtÐ µnt, such bÐ µhavior on thÐ µ part of top managÐ µrs can bÐ µ Ð µxplainÐ µd using thÐ µ principlÐ µ of boundÐ µd rationality (RÐ µgÐ µr, MullanÐ µ, Gustafson and DÐ µmariÐ µ, 1994).According to this principlÐ µ, managÐ µrs arÐ µ not complÐ µtÐ µly rational in thÐ µ dÐ µcisions thÐ µy takÐ µ. ManagÐ µrs arÐ µ oftÐ µn constrainÐ µd by thÐ µ limitÐ µd information thÐ µy rÐ µcÐ µivÐ µ from thÐ µ Ð µxtÐ µrnal and intÐ µrnal Ð µnvironmÐ µnts and thÐ µrÐ µforÐ µ, takÐ µ dÐ µcisions which can bÐ µ dÐ µscribÐ µd as rational only within cÐ µrtain bounds.ThÐ µrÐ µforÐ µ, it is important to dÐ µvÐ µlop a thÐ µorÐ µtical framÐ µwork in thÐ µ arÐ µa of uppÐ µr Ð µchÐ µlons lÐ µadÐ µrship for undÐ µrstanding h ow thÐ µ psychological charactÐ µristics of top managÐ µrs influÐ µncÐ µ thÐ µ rÐ µlationship bÐ µtwÐ µÃ µn thÐ µir dÐ µmographic charactÐ µristics and organizational stratÐ µgiÐ µs and outcomÐ µs.ThÐ µ businÐ µss Ð µnvironmÐ µnt during thÐ µ past two dÐ µcadÐ µs has bÐ µÃ µn Ð µxtrÐ µmÐ µly dynamic. WhilÐ µ corporatÐ µ divÐ µrsification sÐ µÃ µmÐ µd to bÐ µ thÐ µ norm in most industriÐ µs till thÐ µ 1990s, it is important to notÐ µ that corporatÐ µ rÐ µfocusing (i.Ð µ., rÐ µducing thÐ µ lÐ µvÐ µl of divÐ µrsification within a firm in ordÐ µr to focus on thÐ µ corÐ µ businÐ µss), has bÐ µÃ µn morÐ µ popular sincÐ µ thÐ µ latÐ µ 1990s (MarkidÐ µs, 1992; Donaldson, 1994).RÐ µfocusing rÐ µprÐ µsÐ µnts an important aspÐ µct of corporatÐ µ stratÐ µgic changÐ µ and rÐ µquirÐ µs dynamic lÐ µadÐ µrship on thÐ µ part of thÐ µ top managÐ µrs (AmburgÐ µy, KÐ µlly & BarnÐ µtt, 1990; Hoskisson and Hitt, 1994).ThÐ µ top managÐ µmÐ µnt of a firm rÐ µprÐ µsÐ µnts thÐ µ dominant coalition of thÐ µ firm and has considÐ µrablÐ µ influÐ µncÐ µ on whÐ µthÐ µr and how thÐ µ firm should rÐ µfocus to maintain a compÐ µtitivÐ µ position in thÐ µ industry (Hambrick & Mason, 1984). ThÐ µ succÐ µss of thÐ µ rÐ µfocusing stratÐ µgy dÐ µpÐ µnds on how thÐ µ top managÐ µrs arÐ µ ablÐ µ to lÐ µad thÐ µ initiation and thÐ µ implÐ µmÐ µntation of this stratÐ µgy.ThÐ µ dÐ µmographic charactÐ µristics of uppÐ µr Ð µchÐ µlons havÐ µ a considÐ µrablÐ µ impact on thÐ µ organization's propÐ µnsity to rÐ µfocus and that this rÐ µlationship is modÐ µratÐ µd by thÐ µ psychological charactÐ µristics of its managÐ µrs.ThÐ µ impact of dÐ µmographic charactÐ µristics: Hambrick and Mason (1984) statÐ µ â€Å"organizational outcomÐ µs – both stratÐ µgiÐ µs and Ð µffÐ µctivÐ µnÐ µss arÐ µ viÐ µwÐ µd as rÐ µflÐ µctions of thÐ µ valuÐ µs and cognitivÐ µ bas Ð µs of powÐ µrful actors in thÐ µ organization.† p.193.Drawing on Hambrick (1984) modÐ µl of stratÐ µgic dÐ µcision making, Hambrick and Mason (1984) thÐ µorizÐ µ that a managÐ µr's background charactÐ µristics can partially prÐ µdict stratÐ µgic choicÐ µs and pÐ µrformancÐ µ in organizations.ThÐ µy proposÐ µ that obsÐ µrvablÐ µ managÐ µrial dÐ µmographic traits such as agÐ µ, tÐ µnurÐ µ, Ð µducation and functional backgrounds arÐ µ important aspÐ µcts of managÐ µrial lÐ µadÐ µrship and that thÐ µy can influÐ µncÐ µ organizational stratÐ µgiÐ µs and pÐ µrformancÐ µ.Following Hambrick and Mason's (1984) concÐ µptual modÐ µl on uppÐ µr Ð µchÐ µlons lÐ µadÐ µrship, sÐ µvÐ µral rÐ µsÐ µarchÐ µrs havÐ µ tÐ µstÐ µd thÐ µir propositions in ordÐ µr to Ð µstablish thÐ µ linkagÐ µ bÐ µtwÐ µÃ µn dÐ µmographic charactÐ µristics of top managÐ µrs and thÐ µir ability to lÐ µad thÐ µ organization to dÐ µsirÐ µd outcomÐ µs. ThÐ µ studiÐ µs conductÐ µd by Murray (1989), Norburn and BirlÐ µy (1988), BantÐ µl and Jackson (1989), Cho, Hambrick and ChÐ µn (1994), rÐ µvÐ µal that top managÐ µmÐ µnt dÐ µmographic charactÐ µristics such as agÐ µ, Ð µducation, functional backgrounds, top managÐ µmÐ µnt tÐ µam tÐ µnurÐ µ and organizational tÐ µnurÐ µ wÐ µrÐ µ significant prÐ µdictors of organizational pÐ µrformancÐ µ thus providing support for Hambrick and Mason's (1984) propositions.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Police Essay

Some more Information about the investigation to date: The Australian Crime Commission and the Crime and Misconduct Commission (SLD) had been kept In the loop by the QPS since the early stages of this Investigation, because of their interest in illicit firearm sales and organized crime. Upon learning of Crag's arrest, the AC expressed an interest in interviewing him about his knowledge of and connections to a high-profile outlaw motorcycle gang operating on the coast. Craig:Craig was arrested by QPS officers at his home. He made It clear that he intended to exercise his right to remain silent, so no QPS interview took place. However, as the investigation falls within the ambit of the Sac's Highest Risk Criminal Targets Special Investigation, an AC examiner has available special powers that can compel Craig to attend and give evidence at an AC hearing. The AC decides that this Is an appropriate way to proceed at this stage. Answer the following questions 1. Can Craig refuse to attend the hearing? What would happen if he did?Provide 2 thoughtful arguments why you think the establishment of ‘new investigators' such as the AC or CM is necessary and/or appropriate. 4. Provide 2 thoughtful arguments why you think the establishment of ‘new Investigators' such as the AC or CM Is not necessary and/or appropriate. Police Essay By Soapstone Some more information about the investigation to date: had been kept in the loop by the QPS since the early stages of this investigation, because of their interest in illicit firearm sales and organized crime.Upon learning of Craig arrest, the AC expressed an interest in interviewing him about his knowledge Craig was arrested by QPS officers at his home. He made it clear that he intended to attend and give evidence at an AC hearing. The AC decides that this is an Craig attends the hearing and provides the examiner with useful information to continue the investigation into the outlaw motorcycle gang, although not sufficient investigators' such as the AC or CM is not necessary and/or appropriate.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Develop a Game or Activity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Develop a Game or Activity - Essay Example They found that most of the employees know nothing about people working around them. They decide to introduce new ritual: a small birthday party for every employee, but they concern about their cultural and personal beliefs which can affect such celebrations. The task of trainees is to gather information about colleagues, and image how the staff would organize different birthday parties. Theme "How well do you know the people around you' First part: The employees will be divided into two groups. Using the Intranet (and telephone) employees have to gather information about their colleagues (from the competitors group), and find possible similarities and differences about age, culture, religion, etc. Time limits: 40 min. Second part: Both groups have to make a small birthday presentation for one of the employees (form another group) according to his preferences and cultural values (role play). Analysis This activity (game) was chosen because the rise of computers at work has not only increased the need for computer skills training, but also created new training formats. Computer-based training is interactive, self-paced instruction using software teaching tools. Computer-based training can take a variety of forms. Some companies have staffed computer labs where employees can drop by to practice, with personal assistance available if needed. This game develops research and analytical skills, groupthink and problem solving skills. It has little to do with organizational context, but it will help employees to know each other and improve their communication. Performance support systems are useful because participants in a training program (game) can retain only a limited amount of information and usually not as much as has been taught. With a performance support system, however, employees can get training help and information at the exact time needed--the "trainable moment." Computer-related "knowledge" jobs, in which employees follow certain specified procedures lend themselves most readily to performance support systems. But these systems also help train employees on job tasks that require problem-solving and decision-making skills (Allen 1996). This game will help to examine managerial communication and its impact on different employees, identify its strengths and weaknesses. This game has some elements of the role play because trainees are asked not just to imitate the performance, but also to apply these skills and behaviors to a sample situation in which different individuals play certain roles. Solving and discussing problems helps trainees learn technical material and content, and role plays are an excellent way of applying the interpersonal skills being emphasized in the training. If done well, role plays give trainees the opportunity to integrate new skills with job behavior. This method enhances further training by illustrating how to apply instruction in practice. Demonstrations are ideal for basic skills training, while role playing works well for building complex behaviors such as interpersonal or management skills. During this game,

Friday, September 27, 2019

Public Policy Agenda Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4500 words

Public Policy Agenda - Essay Example Agenda setting mark the primary step towards finding solutions to life problems. Evidently, the world is full of many public problems. This ranges from social challenges, public intrusion to health complications. All these challenges require both human intervention and political interception; however, in many instances viable answers fail to appear. In such instances, agenda setting remains the most viable option for solutions. Many organizations within or outside the government rely on agenda setting for solutions. Agenda setting is the ability to prioritize issues based on importance. The prioritization and opportunity cost incurred during decision make agenda setting a key recipe in public problems. It, however, is important to note that agenda setting does not give an overall look at a public problem but an integrated approach. Notably, the government has a sole role of providing and guaranteeing services for the public both at the present and the future. In many instances, some problems fail to appear in the government’s radar due to many reasons. To start with is the fact that government decisions are based on importance, priority and magnitude of problems. As a result, diseases that affect a limited magnitude of people cannot get attention as compared to a serious disease that spread and affects many people. In addition, government decisions and agenda setting remain based on interest and economic benefit various decisions derive to the public. A feeder road within the village cannot be considered before tarmacking a road leading to an industrial area. As a result, the feeder road may not appear or acquire the government’s attention although it is a problem. There are different kinds of agendas based on role, arrangement and results. Traditional agenda according to the Roberts rule of order puts items in order

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Professional Knowledge and Abilities Research Paper

Professional Knowledge and Abilities - Research Paper Example The association promotes professionalism in education through the provision of classroom mini-grants and scholarships designed specifically to help advance continuing education and student achievement. All members are eligible to apply for these grants and scholarships. Through the association newsletter, Education Matters, an easy-to-read and straight-to-the-point letter, members are updated with key issues in the education career. Indeed, featured articles with refreshing perspective in recent editions include â€Å"A Charter School Success Story in the Making†, â€Å"Reinventing Special Education†, Empowering Teachers to do Assessment† and â€Å"The Three Reasons We Must Teach History†. Furthermore, through the Individual Liability Insurance policy, the association guarantees $2,000,000 protection per occurrence, per member. In addition, the association’s Legal Protection benefits ensure that members have access to legal counsel at the onset of wo rkplace issues and Defense costs. The legal coverage takes care of legal action arising from out of duties.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Advanced Accounting Theory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Advanced Accounting Theory - Essay Example It implies that a company is governed by the accounting standards and principles of the jurisdiction(s) within which it operates. Similarly, the preparation of its accounting reports is limited only by the GAAPs of the jurisdictions within which it operates. One of the arising issues when it comes to GAAPs is the need for a single set of GAAPs. This concept is discussed, with preponderance for the establishment of such a set of global GAAPs. As it has been noted, one of the most significant notions, that is rather thematic of GAAPs, is the concept of jurisdiction. GAAPs operate within a particular jurisdiction, which may be a country, or an economic bloc, such as the EU. Traditionally, GAAPs tended to have the country as the highest territorial level delimiting their jurisdiction. This scope of jurisdiction tended to suffice, owing to the fact that most companies operated within a single nation. However, with increasing internationalisation, and the establishment of economic blocs such as the EU, there was need to establish a more comprehensive set of principles, in order to harmonize financial reporting. Such harmonization was desirable, in lieu of the fact that companies now operated within many different nations. Indeed, the EU has established several directives such as the 4th and 7th directives on company accounts (Elliott & Elliott, 2013). The question that then begs is, can the same scenario be replicated on a gl obal scale? One of the most significant trends is the globalisation of among other things, business activities. This globalization is not only in terms of firms reaching out to new markets, more increasingly, it is about such companies outsourcing their labour and ultimately, entire production processes. Since the countries are not within the same jurisdiction, territorial or otherwise, this implies that operations within different countries are subject to different accounting treatment. The

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Gangster squads movie technique Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Gangster squads movie technique - Essay Example Gangster squad is a 2013 movie based on a book by Will Beall and Paul Lieberman, the genre of a movie is a combination of action drama and crime. This movie is loosely based on the life of a mo king known as Mickey Cohen; a gangster based in Los Angeles who was also part of a Jewish mafia around the 1930’s to 1960’s. Reuben Fleisher being the director of the movie chose an outstanding number of very renowned actors who took the roles of various people to bring out the crime aspects the movie was based on. The perspective this movie genres could be related to movies that were produced earlier in time. Movies such as public enemy; a movie played by Johnny Depp was released in the year 2009, also based on the criminal activities that were undertaken by John Dillinger around the 1930s. The two movies mentioned above both share commonness in that their elements reflect older movies such as the Godfather in relation to the techniques adapted and the roles of characters.Mafia movie goes back as far as the 1940 where such movies as Capone were made. This movie was a black and white film based on the life of Al Capone (Anastasia & Glen, 12). One similarity that could be denoted from the mafia movies is that they are majorly based on the events that took place in real life and the characters in the movies are a true reflection of the characters that existed.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Modeling and Control of Three-Phase Gravity Separators in Oil & Gas Research Proposal

Modeling and Control of Three-Phase Gravity Separators in Oil & Gas - Research Proposal Example The oil production facility was implemented and designed with regard to mathematics models developed (Mil’Shtein, 58). Phase equilibrium type of modeling has been utilized for the past fifty years resulting to better outcomes for distillation column and flash tank equipments. The approach has basic equations utilized in material balance description, composition summation equations, enthalpy equation and equilibrium relations. Oil production facility separates oil well stream into water, oil and gas components. The facility also process the components into products that can be sold or dispose the products in a manner that is environmentally friendly. Free water is separated from the oils while the gas is flashed from the liquid by use of separators device. The steps utilized in the production process ensures that light hydrocarbons are removed with an intention of producing crude oil that is stable and having volatility that is able to meet sales criteria. A three phase separator separates liquid stream into water and crude oil components (Stewart et al, 100). The separated gas is treated and compressed for sales. Modeling of such equipments has turned out to so challenging for fault detection, controller design, process optimization, and dynamic simulation. The paper focuses on gravity separators which are three phased. The model has a positive on impact on the quality of oil produced and forms the main upstream process in the petroleum industry. Three-phase separators have complex and rich dynamics. The dynamics spans to thermodynamics from hydrodynamics with regards to conservational laws. Three-phase separators is usually made up of many approaches and modeling techniques. A computer code is currently being created to help improve the efficiency and performance of the separators. The code can be utilized in analyzing the flow of fluids and the separator performance of gas, water and oil in the three phased gravity separators. It can be utilized

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Studying in American university of Kuwait Essay Example for Free

Studying in American university of Kuwait Essay Established in 2003 by Amiri Decree 139, American University of Kuwait (AUK) is an autonomous liberal arts institution. Its campus is situated at the intersection of Salem Al Mubarak Street and Amr Ibn Al As Street in Salmiya district, Kuwait. In addition, AUK is a certified body by the council for private universities and the Ministry of Higher Education of Kuwait state. The administrative structure and educational standards are based on the American model of higher learning. The University strives at equipping students with essential skills for promoting critical thinking and value for diversity. One of the major motivations for applying at AUK is its educational quality and diversity. The fact that the medium of instruction is English, the university offers a serene environment for any English speaker. Consequently, students from around the globe can join, owing to the fact that English is the most widely spoken language. In addition, with its large garden enclosed by offices and classes, the campus design offers an open atmosphere for intensive learning. Apart from the design, its interactive and relaxing structures have greatly motivated me to study at AUK. This is mainly offered through pool tables and HD televisions found at a tent located at the main gate. AUK does not only offer curriculum activities, but also extra curriculum opportunities like athletics and clubs. Examples of athletics offered include, soccer, volleyball, basketball and table tennis, among others. Since the university values a multicultural and a lively campus involvement, students of different cultural background makes this a reality. Similarly, self-awareness and effective communication skills offered, leads to responsible, morally acceptable individuals in societies. Thus, I believe I will become a good ambassador of the institution. Moreover, the students clubs and associations play a crucial role in giving back to the community. This is through community service activities, where I can take part and at the same time create goodwill between the institution and the surrounding community. In summary, I am convinced that my relationship with the AUK administration will create a win-win situation. The modern facilities and the high-speed internet services do not only attract me, but will also make my life in campus lively and collaborative. The institution has IT developments that will ensure a rich learning environment. A wide range of degree programs offered in the institution creates a convenient space for diversity. Lastly, I find the university location quite peculiar. Surrounded by major malls and cafes with American style, the location is just one of a kind.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Influence from Mexican and Puerto Ricans in the Us Culture Essay Example for Free

Influence from Mexican and Puerto Ricans in the Us Culture Essay The U. S. culture has been saturated with Mexican and Puerto Rican influences. Influence is defined as a cognitive factor that tends to have an effect on what you do. I believe most of the influences are good but there are also some that are bad. The two major influences that will be brought up would be the influence of human creativity and violence. Puerto Ricans had a unique blend of human creativity. â€Å"Fueled by that political awakening, a cultural renaissance emerged among Puerto Rican artists. † By the 1960’s salsa music began to emerge. Puerto Ricans rooted this category of music especially in the New York area. Fania Records became the dominant record label in the early salsa music scene. Juan Gonzalez mentioned artist such as Eddie and Charlie Palmieri, Willie Colon and Ray Barretto. They provoked with there politically charged lyrics. It also sprang up writers such as Piri Thomas and Nicholasa Mohr mentioned by Juan Gonzalez. Piri Thomas was born in the Spanish Harlem section of Manhattan and is known for his best seller autobiography â€Å"Down These Mean Streets†pg63 and describes his struggle having Puerto Rican heritage. Nicholasa Mohr her works also told of the difficulties of growing up in Puerto Rican communities in the New York area. As more Puerto Rican came to into the States a big clash of racial identity rose. Black and White was a struggle in itself then Brown came in to the mix it mad things twist. â€Å"A dwindling tax base, brought about by the flight of industry and skilled white workers to the suburbs, massive disinvestment by government in public schools and infrastructure, and the epidemics of drug and alcohol abuse, all tore at the quality of city life†Pg 64. Lack of investment in the infrastructure and public schools by the government was a major contributor to this especially since most did not know how to speak English and the teachers did not know how to translate to the students. â€Å"The third generation of Puerto Ricans, those who came of age in the late 1980s and early 1990s, found themselves crippled by inferior schools, a lack of jobs, and underfunded social services. They found their neighborhoods inundated with drugs and violence. They grew up devoid, for the most part, of self-image, national identity, or cultural awareness. They became the lost generation. †Pg63 Mexicans also had there share of influencial human creativity. Mexicans are known for developing corrido music. They were smart about this music though because they were used to inform. They had dates names warnings and some were stories of crime or love. † The average corrido was usually so filled with dates, names, and factual details that it functioned not only as entertainment but also as a news report, historical narrative, and commentary for the mass of Mexicans who were still illiterate†. pg124. To change up the creativity from the arts to a more meaningful influence would be the founding of MAYO and no not the one you eat but Mexican American Youth Organization. This was intended to protect the civil rights of Mexican Americans. â€Å"One of the most influential groups to arise during the period was the Mexican American Youth Organization (MAYO), founded in San Antonio by Willie Velazquez, a young community organizer for the Catholic Bishop’s Committee on the Spanish Speaking, and Crystal City’s Jose Angel Gutierrez. †pg 69. Mexicans have been picked on for decades and are still being hated upon. What was heavily impacted were schools and nothing was done about it. MAYO staged school walk outs to gain power. These acts would allow them to earn seats on school boards which in turn allowed them to participate in deciding what was best for their own people. In turn violence also was majorly influence. The US culture was raised to hate Mexicans. † Once the Great Depression hit and unemployment surged among whites, though, not even Mexicans who spoke fluent English escaped the anti-immigrant hysteria. More than 500,000 were forcibly deported during the 1930s, among them many who were U. S. citizens. † Speaking spanish a lot of times was a burden for mexicans which made them targets since most that all they spoke. To conclude Puerto Ricans and Mexicans have influenced the US culture. It still hasn’t stopped it continues to. More than likely it will still influence for many more years to come. They have been put down but they come right back up and stronger. They have given a lot to stop and to soak in many years of heritage. So go dance to some salsa or sing a corrido for a change.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Theory Of Mcluhan In Communications Media Essay

Theory Of Mcluhan In Communications Media Essay This research will discuss theory of McLuhan in communications and media technologies. And also will talk about some of the important points referred to by McLuhan in theories such as Global Media and understanding media. Also, Marshall McLuhan was also working in the 1960s but came up with a new and novel thesis. Scholars whom we have examined so far were all in some way concerned with media production and consumption and the effects of media on individuals, groups and societies and McLuhan was no different. But he took as his starting point, media technologies themselves and was interested in how the technology could affect the media messages that were transmitted. There have been many strong criticisms of McLuhans writings since the 1960s so today, we examine his work in detail and will also examine these criticisms. Introduction: Marshall McLuhan he was Canadian philosopher specializing in different communication theories and of the most important theories was studied media theory. And also had a lot of practical applications in many industries such as advertising and TV. This philosopher predicted the advent of the Internet 30 years ago is invented. McLuhan is work to coining the expressions the medium is the message and the global village, and for predicting the World Wide Web almost thirty years before it was invented although he was a fixture in media discourse in the late 1960s, his influence began to wane in the early 1970s. In the years after his death, he would continue to be a controversial figure in academic circles. With the arrival of the internet, however, there was renewed interest in his work and perspective. Hypothesis: Hypothesis in this research are as follows: The relationship between Media technology and Media message and also analyzes the criticism of the theory of Marshall McLuhan Research question: What did Marshal McLuhan write about the relationship between media technology and media message? Why was he so strongly criticized?There are lots of answers which will discover from this essay for this relationship. Methodology: Marshall McLuhan was also working in the 1960s but came up with a new and novel thesis. Scholars whom we have examined so far were all in some way concerned with media production and consumption and the effects of media on individuals, groups and societies and McLuhan was no different. But he took as his starting point, media technologies themselves and was interested in how the technology could affect the media messages that were transmitted. From lecture (theory of media technology communication) The relationship between Media technology and Media message: Media message a theory that was interested in studying all aspects and also next to that care Marshall studied technical and relationship with Media message. Lot of people around the world assumes that the true meaning of the center refers to mass media such as the press, radio and TV. Traditional understanding most of people that letter explains the content and information. But this allows putting it within results fault by people. Theory McLuhan says that the content of the information in the middle or message should be ignored and considered unimportant. In most cases people will be convinced that the center is no longer the message is nonsense. Intended McLuhan here not every center in its meaning clear. Marshall also interested in the changes that occur in our lives, whether a new invention or idea in life. Marshall also interested in the changes that were taking place in various aspects of life which have related to thinking of people such as communications and media tools. Marshall was tells us that the message you many different functions in the context of worldly for our lives. Letter tells us that any discovery or invention is presented to the Humanitarian Affairs example message theater productions indicate the change in public attitudes through public opinion on the content and substance of the message of the play. Also news bulletin it is not news themselves but change in public attitude toward crime or through the creation of attitude in the public, such as fear and terror. We note that this letter tell us the changes and effects of clear and unclear in the content. A global society in majority of cases the problem by different media a device that connects to people through it. We can see the electrical changes and the different cultural of society via the media. Read the message content correctly easy for us to understand it. There are a strong relationship between the technical and the content of the message in the media. Technical help to deliver the message content to the public in the community. Also help technical change peoples attitudes in many different aspects of the community. For Example advertising in the media such as television. Television displays many of advertisements for various things such as smart phones through advertising people will go to buy these phones that will help them in the process of connect and fast communicating. Of course, this depends on the content of the message in advertising if it was positive and convincing, and then the power to attract the public all this helps to attract the public to buy phones. Media as Extensions: Also McLuhan he was referred to a very important theory in the medium which that the content and the medium can do, such as humanitarian feelings for example loudspeaker helps to extend the ear for the widespread use of the medium will affect in a big way on the balance of the humanitarian feelings of the culture of a particular community. If the radio dominate sensations environment will be heard privilege to other humanitarian feelings of man in society. McLuhan said here is people should be aware they are separated from media technologies. In the media sympathetic describes McLuhan that the content of the middle like a piece of meat is carried by the thief in order to distract the attention of the Oversight Committee? This means that people tend dramatically to focus on content is clear that provides a person with useful information but in this process will hide all the changes that will occur in the content for long periods of time. The values à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹of society and the ways in which we need to work things change because of technology and its impact on the content in the media. Important point of this we must recognize the social consequences of the center. Whether cultural issues, religious and historical during the process of interaction the current conditions to the social effects. The global village: In the sixties wrote McLuhan that visual culture will expires soon. Which called electronic dependence and this means that the electronic media replaced by visual culture of oral culture. In this new era of human beings will move from the individual culture to the collective identity. Hot and Cool Media: McLuhan Saied that different media have varying degrees of participation on the part of the person what will be consumed? Some media such as film and was hot that is, they focus on one meaning. In this case the person does not need to exert a lot of effort to fill in the details image movie. But McLuhan contradicts this with T in the cool and said the person needs more effort on his part to determine the meaning of the center in TV. Criticisms of McLuhan: There have been many strong criticisms of McLuhans writings since the 1960s until today. Firstly, it is important to note that McLuhan became rather famous in the 1960s and 70s after the publishing of Understanding Media. He was hailed in the popular US press as a new and important thinker and was interviewed in popular magazines. His key phrases such as the global village and the medium is the message were frequently used (although not always understood). But within academia (particularly critical theory and cultural studies), his work was met largely with criticism (although some scholars did admire his creativity and originality). To conclusion: In this essay I write on the theory communication for McLuhan. I write about the relationship between Media message and media technology with mention some examples of the social context in the global community. Also in this search for Media and the relationship of this theory with ideas McLuhan. Also wrote in this search for strong criticism for McLuhan with stated reasons led to this criticism. Sultanate of Oman Ministry of Higher Education Colleges of Applied Sciences Sur Assignment about: Marshall McLuhan The relationship between Media technology and Media message Name: Khalifa Saied Salim Albttashi ID number: 2008499106 Subject: theories of media communication Word count: 2000

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Graduation Speech -- Graduation Speech, Commencement Address

Well, here we are. Sitting in this stuffy gym wearing these unflattering robes, while the band is poised and ready to play â€Å"Pomp and Circumstance.† We’ve always known this day would come and, whether our teachers, our parents or ourselves are prepared for it, here it is. We’re about to take that giant leap in just a few minutes and after that, it’s time to make our own choices. No longer will our biggest decisions entail which person to ask to prom or which period would be the best to TA during. Now our choices will begin to revolve around which bills we need to pay and what job we want to be doing 20 years from now. And whether you choose to earn a degree, get a job certification or immediately start working, there are some universal choices that everyone should make to ensure a fulfilling life for ourselves and our families. First is the choice of love. The time is almost upon us to stop being children and start being parents. Unfortunately, there seems to be an alarming trend in the breakdown of families nationwide. Parents are becoming too busy to involve themselves in children’s lives. Not enough of them are talking to their children about important issues, such as tolerance, suicide and drug abuse. Divorce rates are high and not enough children receive the proper attention or counseling during those rough times. All of these factors combine to make an unsteady environment for children of today and the future. Teen drug abuse is high. Teen suicide rates are high. And for some awful reason, kids even as young as first grade are killing each other. Starting today, we have the power to change this. Growing up is an intimidating thing: a large, never ending cycle that we cannot slow nor stop but can only dig in deep with ... ...o be on this earth, so if you don’t live your life to the absolute fullest, you may have more regrets than you can count. You only have one shot at living your life so don’t make it a dull one with little meaning. Finally, in the end, after we’ve lived our lives and it’s all said and done, not all of us are going to be as wealthy as Bill Gates or have more than 15 minutes of fame. Our autobiographies won’t be best sellers and most of us won’t compete in pro sports or make it on television. This is not to say, however, that our lives will have little impact on the world around us. It is the families we raise, the friendships we honor and the beliefs we cling to that will determine in the end whether or not we were successful. I wish all of you, my friends, the very best the adult world has to offer — our time starts now. Live it fully with no regrets. Thank you.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Going Beyond Pain in Chris Crutchers Stotan Essay -- Crutcher Stotan

Going Beyond Pain in Chris Crutcher's Stotan High school buddies and members of the swim team Walker, Nortie, Lion and Jeff accept the challenge to participate in Stotan week, a week of rigorous swim training that pushes them beyond physical pain and tests their moral fiber, changing their lives forever.   In the novel Stotan   by Chris Crutcher a team of teenagers and best friends brace themselves for what’s going to be the hardest week of their lives mentally, physically, and emotionally.   A â€Å"Stotan† is a cross between a stoic and a Spartan.   Through this time of hardship they learn about friendships, relationships, dealing with cancer, racism, and physical abuse.   Each of the four best friends learn more and more about each other and help each other when they need help.   They come together as a group, team, and family.   Each of them have a tremendous conflict that can not be resolved with just one persons help.   They all help each other repair the emotional scars if one of them were suffering.   They all have one thing in common which was that they all want to be the best they can be and being so determined.   In Stotan By Chris Crutcher four boys Walker, Jeff, Nortie, and Lion experience a time of emotional and physical turmoil with the only way to overcome these barriers is to come together as a team with determination in mind.     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   One of the team mates with a conflict that needed to be resolved is Lion.   Lion lives alone in a tiny apartment with a hot plate.   He gets lonely sometimes and the only things that stop him from getting depressed are swimming and being with his best friends Walker, Jeff, and Nortie.   They never talk about Lion’s life but he knows that they life him for who he is not becau... ...cause of this amazing unity of the team Nortie is still alive.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In Stotan By Chris Crutcher four boys Walker, Jeff, Nortie, and Lion experience a time of emotional and physical turmoil with the only way to overcome these barriers is to come together as a team with determination in mind.   Lion was suffering from depression, Jeff was dying, Nortie was suffering mentally, and walker was suffering emotionally but as a team they all came together and resolved eatch others problems.   The unity the team had was unbelievable and helped save a life and helped solve problems.   Determination also helped the high school seniors by not letting them slip or fall climbing the mountain of success.   The four team members got through a week of grueling pain mentally and physically by coming together as a team with determination in mind to push themselves to maximum.  

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Continuities and Changes of the Commerce of the Indian Ocean Region from 650 C.E. to 1750 C.E.

Trade has been a major way to connect people to other parts to the world and to access to other products all throughout the world. Today, trade connects nations and products of the western hemisphere to those of the eastern hemisphere. The Indian Ocean was a major trading zone for the areas surrounding it in the time period from 650 C.E. to 1750 C.E. Several aspects of this trading area stayed constant during the aforementioned years, like the products that were traded and that India always remained a major participator in these trades. However, the dominating groups that had the most control over the area changed several times along with the culture of the area.Following the decline of the Mongol Empire, the overland trade route on the Silk Road was becoming an out-dated method of trade. With the advancement of technologies across the world a more expedient method of trade became even more necessary. Nations turned toward maritime trade to feel this need. The Indian Ocean served as a way to connect the Asian continents with the Middle East.Major traders of the area were Europe, Arabia, India, China, and Indonesia. Indian spices, cloth and yarn were transported across the hemisphere using the Indian Ocean. There spices intrigued the population of places like Egypt and China who were unaccustomed to Indian flavors. China spread its precious metals and porcelain across the area. Even animal, like elephants, were traded from Sri Lanka. Europe consumed most from the area than they contributed, which continued into the 19th century. Philosophies and religions were also ‘traded’ through the Indian Ocean route.Islam was introduced to the tribal regions of Africa and spread even farther into Arabia and India. Philosophies also spread from Rome into Arabia and India through the trade. Towards the end of the 2th century people began to be traded in the Columbian Exchange or slave trade. In the time period of 650 C.E. to 1750 C.E., the speed and vitality of t rade in the area was a major continuity.At the time, those who controlled the most of the Indian Ocean had a great deal of economic power. In the 8th century, the Hindus and Buddhists controlled the trade primarily between the eastern coast of Africa and Indonesia. From the 7th to 13th century, Indonesia commercial life flourished. After the Hindu-Buddhist period, Muslim leaders toke control of the area for trade through the Red Sea to Europe and China. Also, the Muslim period involved a lot of trade with India for its pepper from Calicut. Vasco de Gama discovered the Indian Ocean trade route for Portugal by travelling around the southern tip of Africa.Portugal toke advantage of their discoveries and used them to advance in the spice trade with Europe. Several Mediterranean empires tried to challenge the Portuguese control over the Persian Gulf however, by the 16th century they had established bases in the area. Shortly following that, the English and Dutch began placing officials i n India and Africa in order to farther their own endeavors.From the 7th to 18th century many things about the commercial life in the region of the Indian Ocean stayed constant however, many things were altered. After the potential of the Indian Ocean trade system began known, more and more countries began to enter into a power struggle for the control over the area. Precious metals, Indian spices, and exotic animals contributed to the reasons why so many explorers, mariners and traders were so intrigued by the prospects of trading in the Indian Ocean.

Monday, September 16, 2019

First They Killed My Father

Song Analysis for First They Killed my Father In Phnom Penh a little girl named Loung and her family had to leave everything behind because of the Khmer Rouge soldiers. Loung Ung wrote a book of her life in Cambodia and three themes for the book are confusion, pain, and hope. This book is called First They Killed My Father and the song I chose that goes with the book is called Gone too soon by Daughtry. For the song I choose three parts from the book. The parts include when Loung had memories of when she was little and was forced to leave her home, when Keav dies and Loung misses her, and finally when Loung loses her mother.Loung and her family were enjoying their time until the soldiers came and made them leave everything behind and leaving behind happiness, and their rich lives. Loung and her siblings were playing and their mother and father were packing and everyone’s smiles turned into frowns. â€Å"Not a day goes by / I’m always asking why† (Daughtry). This is the lyric that I felt matched with this part of the story. â€Å"What’s going on? Where is everyone going? Where have you been? (Ung 19). My first element is confusion.Loung is asking her Ma and Pa all these questions and no one will explain anything, so everyone is confused. Everyone is leaving and walking on foot to places where they don’t know. The area of interaction is approaches to learning because his is where she learns where things will change for now on. However, this is not all the tragedies and emotions that happen. â€Å"Today could have been the next day of the rest of your life†(Daughtry). â€Å"She is not going to live; she is not going to make it† (Ung 97). Everybody dies, but people in Cambodia would die of sickness, starvation, or die a killed death.This part is where Keav is dying from something she ate. Loung Ung and her family are feeling pain. This is the first family member who dies and it is a tragic. She would have never died at such a young if he Khmer Rouge didn’t force all teens to work for soldiers. The area of interaction is health and social. It is health and social because Keav’s health is really bad from starvation and something she ate. This lyric matches with this part of the story by how it explains how Keav could of lived for a very long time.So far Loung has had memories about how her life first began to get worse, and when her first family died. â€Å"Everybody was laughing / instead I just sit here and cry† (Daughtry). â€Å"Ma where are you! Ma you can’t do this to me! ( Ung 160) Depression is hard and it can go for a long time especially if you are in Loung’s family. Ma was taken away and Loung was crying and going over everything she went through. The area of interaction is health and social because Loung is dealing with her feelings for her family.She is longing for everything to be the way it was. This lyric matches this part because she is crying for her life and being hurt while everyone is being normal. This is where the theme is depression. She is always going to be scared for life because of the deaths of Geak, Ma, Pa, and Keav. There is pain, depression, and confusion for the elements in this story. A tragic life for Loung Ung and the struggles she has went through. She may never feel the same way. There are so many songs, and quotes from the book that touch your heart.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Learning English through Social Issue

Sexy photos of teen models are polished in magazines and you fell that these photos have a negative impact. Write a letter to the editor describing the situation and suggesting what the media, teenagers and parents can do about it. Dear Editor, It has been brought to the limelight that sexy photo of teen models has become prevalent lately. Stakeholders from different walks of life have various perceptions about this issue. As a major stakeholder myself, a teenager, I would like to voice my opinion towards this hot topic.Seeing sexy photos of teen models on magazines is no longer a new thing to Hong Kong citizens. The emergence of teen model was fostered under the opening mindset of HonkKongers. I cannot deny the hard fact that teen model is the output of the change in citizens' mindset and people cannot exploit the existence of a certain industry, in this case the teen model industry, but my stance point is that the prevalence has gone too far. What I mean by â€Å"the prevalence ha s gone too far† is that provocative photos of teen models started to appear in places that they are not suppose to be.A case in point is the â€Å"intrusion† of teen model in the annual book fair. This sparked intense discussion and controversy while I opted to take the stance agreeing that it create negative trend to the practice. On a macro view, not only has the prevalence of teen model and their provocative photos create negative rend to the book fair practice, but also posed detrimental imparts to the community as whole. In the first place, the popularization of teen models sexy photos promotes pornography as well as inappropriate-open minds towards sex in teenagers.In the long run, it can constitute various serious problems, such as teen pregnancy, teen abortion and compensated dating etc. As Juveniles are the future pillars of the society, we cannot let them go astray. Secondly, it also worsens the reputation of some related industry such as the fashion and model industry in Hong Kong. Foreign industries may deem that of Hong Kong is low-profile and end up avoid cooperating or collaborating with Hong Kongs fashion workers. Consequently, Hong Kong may suffer a loss in foreign investors in this field.Before the negative influences have gone any further, media, teenagers and parents should put their heads together to address this situation and procrastination Media clearly has the responsibility to halt this situation. It should promote healthy image of models and avoiding publishing provocative photos of models considering the audience of their products. As for teenagers, since they are easily affected by things and people around, it is very important for them to learn how to distinguish between right and wrong, so as to make sure they don't receive any nappropriate information.Parents also play a vital role in adolescences' life especially when they hit puberty. They are at too tender an age to identify inappropriate messages on their own. T herefore, they need parental guidance. Parents are thus incumbent in leading their children through this tough period without letting them fall prey to obscene information. Problems cannot be solved without concrete efforts. I hope the current situation can be changed and wish the media and all teenagers healthy developments.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Buck’s Dilemma Essay

Solution 1 — Classification with the Statement of Cash Flows Buck should present the borrowing and payment activity as a cash flow from financing activities. ASC 230-10-45-14 states that â€Å"proceeds from issuing bonds, mortgages, notes, and from other short- or long-term borrowing† are a cash inflow from financing activities. Similarly, ASC 23010-45-15 states that â€Å"repayments of amounts borrowed† are a cash outflow for financing activities. Solution 2 — Gross versus net presentation Scenario 1 Net presentation is appropriate. Buck may classify the activity as a $50 million net cash inflow ($100 million in total draws less the $50 million repayment) within the financing activities section of the statement of cash flows. Buck’s activities in Scenario 1 are broadly consistent with the requirements for net presentation under ASC 230-10-45-8 and 45-9. Specifically, the draws and payments on the facility can be considered large in relation to the maximum borrowing capacity (Buck actually reached its maximum borrowing capacity before making any repayments). The volume of the transactions is assumed to be large (note, in practice, this determination typically involves judgment and is dependent upon individual facts and circumstances). In addition, the terms of both draws stipulate that all amounts are due on demand; therefore, Buck should consider the draws as having original maturities of three months or less. ASC 230-10-45-9 only permits net presentation when borrowings have original maturities of three months or less. Scenario 2 The activity related to Buck’s first draw and subsequent repayment should be presented on a gross basis within the financing activities section as a $60 million inflow for the draw on July 15, 2010, and a $60 million outflow for the repayment on December 15, 2010. The activity related to Buck’s second  draw and subsequent repayment may be presented on a net basis within the financing activities section. The $40 million draw on September 30, 2010, and the repayment on December 1, 2010, net to zero for annual reporting purposes. Buck’s activities related to both of the draws in Scenario 2 once again reflect some of the characteristics within the cash flow statement guidance. The transactions can be considered large in relation to the maximum borrowing capacity, and the volume of activity is assumed to be large (note, in practice, these determinations typically involve judgment and are dependent upon individual facts and circumstances). Unlike Scenario 1, the terms of the draws do not consider the draws to be due on demand to Buck’s bank. Rather, the first draw has an original maturity of six months, and the second draw has an original maturity of three months or less. Therefore, in accordance with ASC 230-10-45-9, Buck must present the activity related to the first draw on a gross basis because the original maturity is greater than three months. In turn, net presentation is appropriate for the second draw since it has an original maturity of three months or less. Scenario 3 Buck should present all borrowing and payment activity under the Facility on a gross basis within the financing activities section of the statement of cash flows. The draws on the Facility do not have any specific repayment provisions other than the overall expiration date of the Facility as of December 31, 2012. While the activity does have some of the factors needed to consider net presentation, including large dollar amounts in relation to the maximum borrowing capacity and large volumes of transactions (see notes in Scenarios 1 and 2 above), the draws do not have an original maturities of three months or less. Under the provisions of Scenario 3, the only activities that Buck could potentially present net within its statement of cash flows are transactions occurring on or after October 1, 2012. Said differently, only draws occurring within three months of the Facility’s expiration would be considered to have original maturities of three months or less. Solution 3 — IFRSs Under IFRSs, IAS 7 is the primary source of guidance for determining how to present information about the cash flows of an entity within the financial statements. IFRSs and U.S. GAAP are broadly consistent regarding net versus gross presentation. Similar to U.S. GAAP, IFRSs generally require entities to present information about an entity’s amounts of cash receipts and cash payments during a period on a gross basis. However, in certain circumstances, IFRSs permit certain cash flow activities to be presented on a net basis. Paragraph 22(b) of IAS 7 states that cash flows may be reported on a net basis when â€Å"cash receipts and payments for items in which the turnover is quick, the amounts are large, and the maturities are short.† This guidance is generally consistent with the provisions of ASC 230-1045-8. Further, paragraph 23A of IAS 7 provides the following examples of cash receipts and payments that may be presented net under the criteria set forth in paragraph 22( b): a. principal amounts relating to credit card customers; b. the purchase and sale of investments; and c. other short-term borrowings, for example, those which have a maturity period of three months or less. Accordingly, under IFRSs, an entity’s cash inflows and outflows associated with a revolving line of credit may potentially be presented on a net basis within the financing activities section of the statement of cash flows, provided the aforementioned criteria are met. Therefore, the conclusions under IFRSs for each scenario in this case would be consistent with that reached under U.S. GAAP.

Friday, September 13, 2019

12 Angry Men Analysis 2

In the first part of the film when the stage of forming, as it is claimed by the Tuckman’s Team Model, occurs, we notice the main characteristics of this group(David A. Buchanan Andrej Huczynski, 2010). The group consists of 12 male middle aged white men probably coming from the middle class. Even from this first impression, admiring the effort of the film to achieve diversity, signs of prejudice appear. Specifically, the fact that all of them are men and moreover white men represents main biases of that period. Additionally, as it is mentioned to Sheldon’s Theory about the biases, the somatotype of each person declares in a certain way its character and this can be noticed by the selection of the characters and their match with the roles (Big guy is the tough one, smaller and thinner is the most innocuous, the handsome is the sensible and sensitive one etc. ) (David A. Buchanan Andrej Huczynski, 2010). Despite the fact that the movie is trying to accuse such biases (which will be underlined later) certain ways of projection of that period could not be avoided. This is one of the reasons why in the remake of the film in 1997 black actors participated as well and later there even women were introduced in the team for certain theatrical versions. (Eirini Flouri Yiannis Fitsakis 2007). The existence of a â€Å"one-off† situation like this in the movie leaves space for less inhibition for conflicts. Moreover, specific factors like the size, the external-internal environment and the definition of the process play a crucial role in the structure of the group. Obviously, the size of this group is 12, but the question is: why so many? The reason is that by having a greater number of juries the system of justice achieves higher levels of democracy with less possibilities of getting unfair decisions combining the memory, the knowledge and the experience of each member and eliminates any prejudiced behaviors. On the other hand as Social Impact Theory mentions the more members there are, the less responsibility they feel (Latane and Nida, 1980). In the external environment we could enclose the time of the procedure, which is unlimited at first but with a deadline coming up afterwards, and the conditions of the place of action, which is characterized by the humidity and the high summer temperatures, the broken air-conditioning, the unavailability of space. Such details could become the cause of stress, aggressiveness and as it was shown desire for fast result (just finish the procedure). In the internal environment issues like experience of previous similar situations, cultures, personalities, knowledge, mood, health, personal schedule and specialization could affect the result. Ending, a matter of significant importance is the definition of the procedure. In this case, we observe that after the release of the 2 alternatives there are 12 juries left. The juries have to decide if the boy is guilty or not guilty but there must be a full agreement (12 to 0) in each case; A democratic method which proves the importance of the situation. Alternatively, if they cannot reach an agreement they can decide a hung jury and then another trial will take place with different juries this time. The role of the foreman is usually for the most experienced person in this field or the first jury or for anyone who claims the desire and gets accepted by all. In the movie, juror1 supports this role setting the basic norms of the procedure. It is worth mentioning that nowadays, in the selection of the juries there is a specific procedure that is called â€Å"Voir Dire† procedure that clarifies the capability of the juries (Michael T. Nietzelt and Ronald C. Dillehayt 1982). Undoubtedly, the conviction of the biases of any kind is one of the main objects of this film. Primarily, in the first scheme, the judge seems really ninterested about the outcome and he seems to be sure about the result. The Halo Effect is â€Å"a judgment based on a single striking characteristic† and is being remarked in many cases during the film (Edward Thorndike, 1920). Moving to the main part of the film and the central procedure we can emphasize on the juror3 and juror10 who are the main rep resentatives of such prejudiced behaviors. Both of them were trying to fill the gaps of their knowledge using selective attention in certain facts and their personal experience (â€Å"Principle of closure† by Max Wertheimer 1880-1943). Everyone has his stereotypes and if we imagine stereotypes as pictures in our head, jurors 3 and 10 have the image of a dangerous criminal for the defendant, raised to act in certain ways (Lippmann, 1922). More specifically, juror3 expresses, from his first lines in the film, his perception against the young boy (â€Å"I ‘d slap those kids before†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ). But as the movie goes on, he expresses again and again his personal beliefs connecting them with his personal disappointment from his own son (â€Å" it’s these kids they are these day†, â€Å"I used to call my father Sir†). Even more he presents his cultural stereotype against the elderly (â€Å"How could he be positive about anything? †) Eventually, juror3 stands alone with his perceptions, believing in the boy’s guiltiness and through a psychological outburst admits that all his statements were based on biases. Similarly, juror10 uses his own belief to create his racial prejudice against the defendant (â€Å"I‘ve expected that†, â€Å"You know what we are dealing with†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ) as well as his past experiences (â€Å"I’ve lived with them†¦ they are born liars†). Adding to this, juror10 weights the value of the young boy less than the cost of a trial. Finally, his â€Å"explosion† made the apocalypse of his real personality and the group’s mechanism accused his behavior through a visual isolation and oral prohibition. The existence of biases in each group can create an unpleasant internal environment for each member and be the reason of conflicts. The productivity or the effectiveness of the group is in danger if such behaviors are being tolerated. Apart from the complexity which is created there is also a matter of fairness of the group’s function. As the movie flows, the influence of the group to each individual separately is obvious but a vice versa phenomenon is noticed as well. In this part, the different roles of the jurors and their influence on each other through the communication style of all-channel are being presented, as well as with some strategies followed by the leader-juror8. One thing that is common for most of the jurors is that they have common BATNA(Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement) and this is the hung jury. However, this is not the case for jury8 claims that his only purpose is the delivery of the justice (Fisher and Uri, 1981). Starting with juror1 we can notice signs of leadership in the early beginning but he ends up being more like a manager, organizing the procedure. Excluding the moment he reaches his breaking point and suggests if anyone would like to take his place, juror1is the one who sets up the norms, accepts propositions, guides the conversation and the voting procedure, avoids conflicts and respects privileges keeping a democratic way of thinking. Being the foreman can be characterized as the â€Å"co-ordinator† (Beldin’s Team Role Theory 1996, 2007). Many of the jurors (2, 5, 6, 7, 11, and 12) seem to have low self-esteem not only because of their character but also because of the number of the team that forces them to get lost in the crowd or just finish the procedure and leave (â€Å"I just think he is guilty†, â€Å"Can I pass? †, etc) This is obvious from the first vote where only 5 of the 11 votes come directly and the rest are raised slowly just to avoid being pointed out. They are becoming followers(2, 5, 6 and 11) or entertainers (7) or just dreamers (12). Of course most of them are open to hear more and accept different opinions (2, 5, and 7). The rest just do not care so much about the result and these â€Å"free riders†, as Frohlich and Oppenheimer called them in 1970, are the proof that social loafing (or Ringelmann Effect) is a common phenomenon in big teams. The role of juror9 has a vital meaning for the outcome because he takes part in all the breaking points of the process. Firstly, he is the first supporter of juror8, secondly it is him who explains the old witness’s psychology (â€Å"Attention†) and lastly he is the fire starter for the fall of the woman’s testimony. The main opponents to the boy’s exoneration are jurors 3, 4 and 10. As was mentioned previously jurors 3 and 10 are mostly based on biases and stereotypes for children from slums. They are all concentrated on general facts and obvious details. The extensive use of loud voice is frequently the main argument of jurors 3 and 10, which could never strengthen their position. Alternatively, juror4 is using his logic and cleverness to support his facts and admits his fault proving his maturity, once he is convinced. Focusing on juror8 we can claim that he owns the position of the leader as his bargaining power is unique. Max Weber (1947) claimed that â€Å"bargaining power is the ability someone has to achieve his goals no matter of the resistance he faces†. Juror8 follows a series of strategies in order to be flexible and adapt to the needs of each occasion. In the beginning, as it is shown from Jo-Hari’s Window, everyone has a bigger unknown-black side, so juror8 wants to get information as an input. Eventually, he adopts the strategy of a listener in order to get knowledge from the others without revealing himself. Afterwards, in the first vote he stays neutral mentioning his points aiming to make some of the rest see the facts from a different angle avoiding any conflict. The brainstorming procedure just began. In order to wake up their consciousness he uses specific words like â€Å"maybe†, â€Å"supposing†, â€Å"possible† and â€Å"assume†. In the main part he listens carefully and argues with all the elements one by one. There is also an extensive use of rhetorical questions and irony just to make his point clear. The first action scheme is when he places the similar knife on the table. The leader breaks the law in order to prove his point. He becomes more active for the first time and gets the whole team upset. Eventually, he creates the first doubts. At this specific time he calls for a new vote. Apparently, the timing is not random. Probably he recognizes some voices like his and decides that it is time to set up a coalition strategy. He needs just one vote which will strengthen amazingly his arguments and he gets it. The fact that he uses his emotional intelligence to point out his views, while he realizes that some other jurors are playing, proves once again his leading abilities. The next step is to create personal relations with some of the jurors. So, he finds the weakest of the group who are about to change side and ask for their opinions. It is not by accident that these jurors were mainly followers until this time. Having established these connections, he uses logic and science as well as the experience and the knowledge of the group in order to persuade the others. As soon as he realizes that one of his main opponents (juror3) loses his self-control, juror8 becomes aggressive and pushes him to the limits using the technique of the irony to apocalypse the existence of his personal prejudice against the defendant. After completing his task, he shows his sympathetic character and supports the worried opponent. Based on Moscovici (1976) and his 5 Aspects juror8 is loyal to his beliefs(Consistency), responsible for his acts(Autonomy), flexible whenever it is appropriate(Rigidity), risky in the first secret vote(Investment) and willing to bring justice(Fairness). The impact of this movie in our modern times is initially proved by the fact that after so many years it is still being taught in courses not only in Law schools but also in Business and Psychology schools. Definitions like brainstorming, social loafing, diversity, team-working, biases and preconceptions, attribution, personality, leader’s abilities, democratic voting and many others are part of any organization nowadays. This movie is the omen for the evolutionary development of a team structure, a team-worker’s behavior and a leader’s characteristics. References Atkinson G. 1990 â€Å"Negotiate the best deal† Director Books, Cambridge Barkan, Steven E. , Steven Cohn, 1994, ‘‘Racial Prejudice and Support for the Death Penalty by Whites’’ in â€Å"Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency† pp. 202–209 Buchanan A. David Huczynski A. Andrej, 2010, â€Å"Organizational Behaviour†, seventh edition, Pearson Ed ucation Limited, Harlow Cialdini R. B. , 1993 â€Å"The psychology of persuasion†, Quill William Morrow, New York Ellsworth C. Phoebe, 1989, â€Å"Are Twelve Heads Better Than One? † in â€Å"Law and Contemporary Problems†, Duke University School of Law Fisher R. Ury W. 1981 â€Å"Getting to yes: Negotiating agreement without gining in† Penguin, New York Flouri Eirini Fitsakis Yiannis, Oct 2007, â€Å"Minority Matters: 12 Angry Men as a Case study of a successful Negotiation against the odds† in â€Å"Negotitation Journal† pp. 449-461 Hackley Susan, 2007 â€Å"One Reasonable and Inquiring Man:12 Angry Men as a Negotiation-Teaching Tool† in â€Å"Negotiation Journal† pp. 463-468 Hall M. Eisenstein (Eds. ), 1980, â€Å"Voir Dire and jury selection†, Clark. B. M. , in â€Å"Criminal Defense Techniques†, New York: Mathew Bender Hay B. L. 2007 â€Å"Fiftieth anniversary 12 Angry Men† Kent-Law Review 82(3) Chi cago Heuer L. Penrodt St. , Sep. 1988, â€Å"Increasing Jurors’ Participation in Trials A Field Experiment with Jury Notetaking and Question Asking† in â€Å"Law and Human Behaviour† Vol. 12 No. 3 Janis I. , 1972 â€Å"Victims of groupthink† MA: Houghton Mifflin, Oxford Kaplan M. , Jones Christopher S. , 2003 â€Å"The Effects of Racially Stereotypical Crimes on Juror Decision-Making and Information –Processing Strategies† in â€Å"Basic and Applied Social Psychology† pp. 1-13 Kew J. Stredwick J. , 2010, â€Å"Human Resource Management in a business context†, CIPD, London Martin R. , 1992 â€Å"Bargaining Power† Clarendon Press, Oxford Moscovici S. , 1976 â€Å"Social influence and social change† Academic, London Nietzelt T. Michael Dillehayt C. Ronald, 1982, â€Å"The Effects of Variations in Voir Dire Procedures in Capital Murder Trials†, in â€Å"Law and Human Behaviour† Vol. 6 No. 1 Rojot J. , 1991 â€Å"Negotiatation: From theory to practice† Macmillan, London Scheepers, Daan, et al, 2006, ‘‘Diversity in In-Group Bias: Structural Factors, Situational Features, and Social Functions,’’ in â€Å"Journal of Personality and Social Psychology† pp. 944–960 Weber M. , 1947 The theory of social and economic organization† Oxford University Press, New York 12 Angry Men Analysis 2 In the first part of the film when the stage of forming, as it is claimed by the Tuckman’s Team Model, occurs, we notice the main characteristics of this group(David A. Buchanan Andrej Huczynski, 2010). The group consists of 12 male middle aged white men probably coming from the middle class. Even from this first impression, admiring the effort of the film to achieve diversity, signs of prejudice appear. Specifically, the fact that all of them are men and moreover white men represents main biases of that period. Additionally, as it is mentioned to Sheldon’s Theory about the biases, the somatotype of each person declares in a certain way its character and this can be noticed by the selection of the characters and their match with the roles (Big guy is the tough one, smaller and thinner is the most innocuous, the handsome is the sensible and sensitive one etc. ) (David A. Buchanan Andrej Huczynski, 2010). Despite the fact that the movie is trying to accuse such biases (which will be underlined later) certain ways of projection of that period could not be avoided. This is one of the reasons why in the remake of the film in 1997 black actors participated as well and later there even women were introduced in the team for certain theatrical versions. (Eirini Flouri Yiannis Fitsakis 2007). The existence of a â€Å"one-off† situation like this in the movie leaves space for less inhibition for conflicts. Moreover, specific factors like the size, the external-internal environment and the definition of the process play a crucial role in the structure of the group. Obviously, the size of this group is 12, but the question is: why so many? The reason is that by having a greater number of juries the system of justice achieves higher levels of democracy with less possibilities of getting unfair decisions combining the memory, the knowledge and the experience of each member and eliminates any prejudiced behaviors. On the other hand as Social Impact Theory mentions the more members there are, the less responsibility they feel (Latane and Nida, 1980). In the external environment we could enclose the time of the procedure, which is unlimited at first but with a deadline coming up afterwards, and the conditions of the place of action, which is characterized by the humidity and the high summer temperatures, the broken air-conditioning, the unavailability of space. Such details could become the cause of stress, aggressiveness and as it was shown desire for fast result (just finish the procedure). In the internal environment issues like experience of previous similar situations, cultures, personalities, knowledge, mood, health, personal schedule and specialization could affect the result. Ending, a matter of significant importance is the definition of the procedure. In this case, we observe that after the release of the 2 alternatives there are 12 juries left. The juries have to decide if the boy is guilty or not guilty but there must be a full agreement (12 to 0) in each case; A democratic method which proves the importance of the situation. Alternatively, if they cannot reach an agreement they can decide a hung jury and then another trial will take place with different juries this time. The role of the foreman is usually for the most experienced person in this field or the first jury or for anyone who claims the desire and gets accepted by all. In the movie, juror1 supports this role setting the basic norms of the procedure. It is worth mentioning that nowadays, in the selection of the juries there is a specific procedure that is called â€Å"Voir Dire† procedure that clarifies the capability of the juries (Michael T. Nietzelt and Ronald C. Dillehayt 1982). Undoubtedly, the conviction of the biases of any kind is one of the main objects of this film. Primarily, in the first scheme, the judge seems really ninterested about the outcome and he seems to be sure about the result. The Halo Effect is â€Å"a judgment based on a single striking characteristic† and is being remarked in many cases during the film (Edward Thorndike, 1920). Moving to the main part of the film and the central procedure we can emphasize on the juror3 and juror10 who are the main rep resentatives of such prejudiced behaviors. Both of them were trying to fill the gaps of their knowledge using selective attention in certain facts and their personal experience (â€Å"Principle of closure† by Max Wertheimer 1880-1943). Everyone has his stereotypes and if we imagine stereotypes as pictures in our head, jurors 3 and 10 have the image of a dangerous criminal for the defendant, raised to act in certain ways (Lippmann, 1922). More specifically, juror3 expresses, from his first lines in the film, his perception against the young boy (â€Å"I ‘d slap those kids before†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ). But as the movie goes on, he expresses again and again his personal beliefs connecting them with his personal disappointment from his own son (â€Å" it’s these kids they are these day†, â€Å"I used to call my father Sir†). Even more he presents his cultural stereotype against the elderly (â€Å"How could he be positive about anything? †) Eventually, juror3 stands alone with his perceptions, believing in the boy’s guiltiness and through a psychological outburst admits that all his statements were based on biases. Similarly, juror10 uses his own belief to create his racial prejudice against the defendant (â€Å"I‘ve expected that†, â€Å"You know what we are dealing with†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ) as well as his past experiences (â€Å"I’ve lived with them†¦ they are born liars†). Adding to this, juror10 weights the value of the young boy less than the cost of a trial. Finally, his â€Å"explosion† made the apocalypse of his real personality and the group’s mechanism accused his behavior through a visual isolation and oral prohibition. The existence of biases in each group can create an unpleasant internal environment for each member and be the reason of conflicts. The productivity or the effectiveness of the group is in danger if such behaviors are being tolerated. Apart from the complexity which is created there is also a matter of fairness of the group’s function. As the movie flows, the influence of the group to each individual separately is obvious but a vice versa phenomenon is noticed as well. In this part, the different roles of the jurors and their influence on each other through the communication style of all-channel are being presented, as well as with some strategies followed by the leader-juror8. One thing that is common for most of the jurors is that they have common BATNA(Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement) and this is the hung jury. However, this is not the case for jury8 claims that his only purpose is the delivery of the justice (Fisher and Uri, 1981). Starting with juror1 we can notice signs of leadership in the early beginning but he ends up being more like a manager, organizing the procedure. Excluding the moment he reaches his breaking point and suggests if anyone would like to take his place, juror1is the one who sets up the norms, accepts propositions, guides the conversation and the voting procedure, avoids conflicts and respects privileges keeping a democratic way of thinking. Being the foreman can be characterized as the â€Å"co-ordinator† (Beldin’s Team Role Theory 1996, 2007). Many of the jurors (2, 5, 6, 7, 11, and 12) seem to have low self-esteem not only because of their character but also because of the number of the team that forces them to get lost in the crowd or just finish the procedure and leave (â€Å"I just think he is guilty†, â€Å"Can I pass? †, etc) This is obvious from the first vote where only 5 of the 11 votes come directly and the rest are raised slowly just to avoid being pointed out. They are becoming followers(2, 5, 6 and 11) or entertainers (7) or just dreamers (12). Of course most of them are open to hear more and accept different opinions (2, 5, and 7). The rest just do not care so much about the result and these â€Å"free riders†, as Frohlich and Oppenheimer called them in 1970, are the proof that social loafing (or Ringelmann Effect) is a common phenomenon in big teams. The role of juror9 has a vital meaning for the outcome because he takes part in all the breaking points of the process. Firstly, he is the first supporter of juror8, secondly it is him who explains the old witness’s psychology (â€Å"Attention†) and lastly he is the fire starter for the fall of the woman’s testimony. The main opponents to the boy’s exoneration are jurors 3, 4 and 10. As was mentioned previously jurors 3 and 10 are mostly based on biases and stereotypes for children from slums. They are all concentrated on general facts and obvious details. The extensive use of loud voice is frequently the main argument of jurors 3 and 10, which could never strengthen their position. Alternatively, juror4 is using his logic and cleverness to support his facts and admits his fault proving his maturity, once he is convinced. Focusing on juror8 we can claim that he owns the position of the leader as his bargaining power is unique. Max Weber (1947) claimed that â€Å"bargaining power is the ability someone has to achieve his goals no matter of the resistance he faces†. Juror8 follows a series of strategies in order to be flexible and adapt to the needs of each occasion. In the beginning, as it is shown from Jo-Hari’s Window, everyone has a bigger unknown-black side, so juror8 wants to get information as an input. Eventually, he adopts the strategy of a listener in order to get knowledge from the others without revealing himself. Afterwards, in the first vote he stays neutral mentioning his points aiming to make some of the rest see the facts from a different angle avoiding any conflict. The brainstorming procedure just began. In order to wake up their consciousness he uses specific words like â€Å"maybe†, â€Å"supposing†, â€Å"possible† and â€Å"assume†. In the main part he listens carefully and argues with all the elements one by one. There is also an extensive use of rhetorical questions and irony just to make his point clear. The first action scheme is when he places the similar knife on the table. The leader breaks the law in order to prove his point. He becomes more active for the first time and gets the whole team upset. Eventually, he creates the first doubts. At this specific time he calls for a new vote. Apparently, the timing is not random. Probably he recognizes some voices like his and decides that it is time to set up a coalition strategy. He needs just one vote which will strengthen amazingly his arguments and he gets it. The fact that he uses his emotional intelligence to point out his views, while he realizes that some other jurors are playing, proves once again his leading abilities. The next step is to create personal relations with some of the jurors. So, he finds the weakest of the group who are about to change side and ask for their opinions. It is not by accident that these jurors were mainly followers until this time. Having established these connections, he uses logic and science as well as the experience and the knowledge of the group in order to persuade the others. As soon as he realizes that one of his main opponents (juror3) loses his self-control, juror8 becomes aggressive and pushes him to the limits using the technique of the irony to apocalypse the existence of his personal prejudice against the defendant. After completing his task, he shows his sympathetic character and supports the worried opponent. Based on Moscovici (1976) and his 5 Aspects juror8 is loyal to his beliefs(Consistency), responsible for his acts(Autonomy), flexible whenever it is appropriate(Rigidity), risky in the first secret vote(Investment) and willing to bring justice(Fairness). The impact of this movie in our modern times is initially proved by the fact that after so many years it is still being taught in courses not only in Law schools but also in Business and Psychology schools. Definitions like brainstorming, social loafing, diversity, team-working, biases and preconceptions, attribution, personality, leader’s abilities, democratic voting and many others are part of any organization nowadays. This movie is the omen for the evolutionary development of a team structure, a team-worker’s behavior and a leader’s characteristics. References Atkinson G. 1990 â€Å"Negotiate the best deal† Director Books, Cambridge Barkan, Steven E. , Steven Cohn, 1994, ‘‘Racial Prejudice and Support for the Death Penalty by Whites’’ in â€Å"Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency† pp. 202–209 Buchanan A. David Huczynski A. Andrej, 2010, â€Å"Organizational Behaviour†, seventh edition, Pearson Ed ucation Limited, Harlow Cialdini R. B. , 1993 â€Å"The psychology of persuasion†, Quill William Morrow, New York Ellsworth C. Phoebe, 1989, â€Å"Are Twelve Heads Better Than One? † in â€Å"Law and Contemporary Problems†, Duke University School of Law Fisher R. Ury W. 1981 â€Å"Getting to yes: Negotiating agreement without gining in† Penguin, New York Flouri Eirini Fitsakis Yiannis, Oct 2007, â€Å"Minority Matters: 12 Angry Men as a Case study of a successful Negotiation against the odds† in â€Å"Negotitation Journal† pp. 449-461 Hackley Susan, 2007 â€Å"One Reasonable and Inquiring Man:12 Angry Men as a Negotiation-Teaching Tool† in â€Å"Negotiation Journal† pp. 463-468 Hall M. Eisenstein (Eds. ), 1980, â€Å"Voir Dire and jury selection†, Clark. B. M. , in â€Å"Criminal Defense Techniques†, New York: Mathew Bender Hay B. L. 2007 â€Å"Fiftieth anniversary 12 Angry Men† Kent-Law Review 82(3) Chi cago Heuer L. Penrodt St. , Sep. 1988, â€Å"Increasing Jurors’ Participation in Trials A Field Experiment with Jury Notetaking and Question Asking† in â€Å"Law and Human Behaviour† Vol. 12 No. 3 Janis I. , 1972 â€Å"Victims of groupthink† MA: Houghton Mifflin, Oxford Kaplan M. , Jones Christopher S. , 2003 â€Å"The Effects of Racially Stereotypical Crimes on Juror Decision-Making and Information –Processing Strategies† in â€Å"Basic and Applied Social Psychology† pp. 1-13 Kew J. Stredwick J. , 2010, â€Å"Human Resource Management in a business context†, CIPD, London Martin R. , 1992 â€Å"Bargaining Power† Clarendon Press, Oxford Moscovici S. , 1976 â€Å"Social influence and social change† Academic, London Nietzelt T. Michael Dillehayt C. Ronald, 1982, â€Å"The Effects of Variations in Voir Dire Procedures in Capital Murder Trials†, in â€Å"Law and Human Behaviour† Vol. 6 No. 1 Rojot J. , 1991 â€Å"Negotiatation: From theory to practice† Macmillan, London Scheepers, Daan, et al, 2006, ‘‘Diversity in In-Group Bias: Structural Factors, Situational Features, and Social Functions,’’ in â€Å"Journal of Personality and Social Psychology† pp. 944–960 Weber M. , 1947 The theory of social and economic organization† Oxford University Press, New York

Extremism as failure of state policies Research Paper

Extremism as failure of state policies - Research Paper Example The failure of state policies also seems to imply that dissatisfied individuals may resort to actions which may be very much different from the ideals held by the majority and the state. Moreover, weaknesses in state policies also seem to give rise to extremist ideals, with these ideals being seen as the more efficient solution to government and political issues. This paper shall evaluate extremism as a failure of state policies. Considerations of groups operating outside of the parliamentary system entirely will be included in this paper. Extra-parliamentary extremism considers illegal means and processes beyond acceptable channels as a way to secure extreme viewpoints and values which are not part of the mainstream ideals (George and Wilcox, 1992). Under these considerations, violent acts of para-military groups occupying political positions in different parts of the globe would be evaluated. This discussion shall be carried out based on the rise of extremism in Mali, mostly in ter ms of the causes of such emergence, including the perpetuation of terrorist and similar violent acts in the country. Body Extremism, defined Wintrobe (2005) defines extremism as the ideology which is not within the accepted ideals of society. Extremism also contrasts with the ideals of moderation. Eatwell and colleagues (2012, p. 8) also discuss that extremism is â€Å"typically related to actions and value systems that lie beyond the moral and political centre of society†. This term has traditionally been associated with communism and radicalism, but after the Second World War, this term has been associated with totalitarianism and authoritarianism (Eatwell,, 2012). Viewpoints which were not within the prescribed government views were actually suppressed and controlled after the World War II. Despite the appropriate co-relation between the actions of these radicals and the definition of the term, those labeled as extremists and radicals have mostly rejected the label of extremism as they argue that their actions are being directed towards the western nations which are occupying their territory (Eatwell,, 2012). Therefore, they argue that they are in fact within their rights to defend themselves against interfering countries. Despite their protestations however, their actions have long been accepted as extremist and radical by the government and by the international community. Even as extremism seems to be largely attributed to acts of insurgent groups, legitimate authorities have nevertheless also utilized this tool in order to secure political goals. Extremism is not the exclusive province of radicals or government oppositionists as it has also been used by the government itself in order to secure and implement its policies (Boyd-Judson, 2011). Thatcherism in the British government was actually at one point extracted as a response to the Buskellite big state post-war consensus (Eatwell,, 2012, p. 9). Extremist Thatcherism was also apparent in the use of force in its war against Argentina and the use of force against internal opponents when the strength and power of the state failed to restore order. Political extremism has been discussed by various political writers, who, refer to this term as inclusive of fanatical mass movements, as well as the need for people to establish lines between what is acceptable and

Thursday, September 12, 2019

The meaning of Thanksgiving and the separation of church and state Essay

The meaning of Thanksgiving and the separation of church and state - Essay Example .† In Mourt’s Relation, Edward Winslow writes, â€Å"And although it be not always so plentiful as it was at this time with us, yet by the goodness of God, we are so far from want that we often wish you partakers of our plenty (Winslow).† The first official proclamation of Thanksgiving was by George Washington in 1789 and it contained an overtly religious message. Washington said that Congress implored him, "to recommend to the People of the United States a day of public thanksgiving and prayer to be observed by acknowledging with grateful hearts the many signal favors of Almighty God especially by affording them an opportunity peaceably to establish a form of government for their safety and happiness.† However, Thomas Jefferson refused to deliver a Thanksgiving proclamation and one of the primary reasons was because he believed it violated the policy of separation of church and state. As is evidenced by the above referenced material the majority understanding of Thanksgiving was clearly as a religious holiday and Jefferson’s rejection of it on the national scale would be similar to a contemporary President embracing Easter for the expressed celebration of Jesus resurrection. It’s worth noting that Jefferson did issue a Thanksgiving proclamation as a governor, a fact some historians attribute to Jefferson’s understanding of the constitution as restricting matters of religion in the Executive Branch, but leaving them open for interpretation on the state level. Yet this didn’t step other Presidents from drawing connections between religion and Thanksgiving well into the 20th

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Dialogue Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Dialogue - Essay Example Seventh floor. Sixth. Fifth. Fourth. Third. The door opened. I said to myself â€Å"This is it†. As I walked towards the hallway, I felt conscious. It seems that everyone was looking at me although the truth is – they were all busy with their work. I stood in front of Room 305. I was about to knock on the door when it was opened by an elderly man who is actually the police inspector. His gray suit revealed his position and demeanor. He was gentle-looking but something about him revealed a tough character. He asked , â€Å" Where were you that night when the laptops were stolen?†He was searching me for any clues that might reveal my secrets. The ring on his finger showed that he belonged to a secret society. â€Å" I was at home entertaining friends†. Obviously, it was a lie. However, I can easily ask my friends to cover for me and testify that they were with me that fateful night. I added, â€Å"One of my close friends celebrated his birthday at my place. Besides, at that time of the night, I am usually home relaxing on any given weekday.† I was trying to evaluate what I have said. Was there any clue that I was defensive? I hope not. He was suspicious of what I said. â€Å" You mean to say you do not spend overtime?† Apparently, he was not satisfied with my previous statements. â€Å"It is highly unlikely that you don’t stay late in the office since you are a busy man in a busy department.† A mixed feeling of fear and guilt was inside my chest. I could hear my heart beating loud. Nevertheless, I defended myself by saying† Am I not allowed to relax after work?†. I knew it was an indirect answer. Suddenly, the room was getting

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Psychology (peoples behaviour) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Psychology (peoples behaviour) - Essay Example 1 This is one approach of personality theory. Personality is normally referred to as the thoughts, emotions and behaviour pattern that every person has. Personality trait can have immense variations between individuals. Many research hypotheses concur that personality has aspects that are prominent. They are very stable across situations that are referred to as shamone traits. Eysenck 1967 says that personality can be reduced to three traits that are quite major. Other scholars however, say that personality can be reduced to five traits. According to the 3F model, there are traits like psychoticism, neuroticism and extraversion. Other scholars say that personality can be reduced to the following five traits, that is, neuroticism, agreeableness, extraversion, conscientiousness and openness. All these are based on factor analysis which is a statistical technique. In fact these traits are the highest level factors in the hierarchical taxonomy of this technique. This method is well known to produce bipolar and continuous factors. All these actually describe one's individual differences. The trait theory is based on various assumptions. One of them is that people are normally born with traits that are inherited. The trait theory asserts that these traits are quite different fro one person to another though some people may have similar traits that they inherited from parents or even grandparents etc. Some of these traits that are inherited can be suited for carrying out leadership responsibilities. In this case a person finds that he or she can easily handle leadership tasks without having any prior knowledge in the field. According to the trait theory, people who naturally make good leaders just have sufficient or the right combination of these traits. Inherent traits can be diverse such that one person may have many different traits. There are people who may have minimal traits that are inherited while others may have so many. Early researches that were done concerning the trait theory used successful leaders as the audience. So the attention was majorly based on discovering the inherent traits that made them to be successful. There was the assumption that if other people were found with the same traits then it meant that they had the potential of becoming great leaders too. One of the scholars called Stogdill (1974) noted that the following skills and traits were very critical to leaders; Traits Skills Adaptable to situations Alert to social environment Ambitious and achievement-orientated Assertive Cooperative Decisive Dependable Dominant (desire to influence others) Energetic (high activity level) Clever (intelligent) Conceptually skilled Creative Diplomatic and tactful Fluent in speaking Knowledgeable about group task Organized (administrative ability) Persuasive Source; Stogdill, R. (1974): Handbook of leadership; a survey of the literature; New York; Free Press Eysenck (1997) asserts that majority of extroverts have got low levels of cortical arousal as compared to introverts who have higher levels. According to the 3F model, individual differences in neuroticism and extraversion have physiological and genetic antecedents.2 Psychodynamics theory This is actually

Monday, September 9, 2019

My favorite brand( NIKE shoes ) Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

My favorite brand( NIKE shoes ) - Research Paper Example Nike, founded in January 25th 1964 by Bill Bowerman and Phil Knight as Blue Ribbon Sports, is an American multinational enterprise headquartered near Beaverton, Oregon, the designs, develops, manufactures and markets footwear, apparel, equipment, accessories and services. Valued at 10.7 billion USD, it is the most valuable brand among sports businesses and as of 2012, had more than 44,000 employees worldwide (Carbasho & Westport, 2010). It is quite easy answering people who ask what type of shoes I prefer (as it is clearly Nike), what I find particularly engaging is answering why I like Nike Shoes in a single sentence since it is a topic I could go on about for a whole day. Nike shoes are amazing in a plethora of ways and reasons. First of all, I like Nike Shoes for the wide variety that they offer. If you visit a Nike shoe store, guaranteed you will find a myriad of confusing choices to pick from. And if you’re not the disciplined type, you could easily go on an impulse buying spree. Nike shoes come in different amazing designs, colors, sizes, and so on, for all sexes. Virtually all tastes and preferences are catered for in a Nike store. It’s nearly impossible to miss something that strikes (or even something to gift to a special one on a special occasion). Secondly, Nike shoes elicit deep passion in me for the relative comfort they offer. Wearing Nike shoes is almost as comfortable as walking naturally barefoot except that your feet are now protected. So long as you pick a suitable size, you will always find Nike shoes designed for utmost comfort and protection. No pinches or sore toes at the end of that morning exercise, unlike other brands I’ve come across. In addition, Nike shoes offer durability unlike any other. Whether it is rigorous exercises or calm walks, Nike shoes will serve you for a good period of time before fading away/ aging. They are built tough to match any purpose. From my